Friday, October 16, 2015

This Week in Real Estate - 10-16-2015 - Harvesting Fall Sales

Selling you home in the fall.

Fall, the season of falling leaves and prices … not so fast.

There are a lot of reasons people list their homes in the fall, most of them do not have to deal with desperation. So don’t get trapped in that mentality. Right now we are still in a seller’s market. Inventory is down and buyers are approaching me every day. I have 100s of buyers in waiting. Waiting for their next home that we haven’t found yet.

Follow these top five staging tips for autumn planning:

1. Focus on Fall Curb Appeal. When your house is on the market, your top priority should be your home's curb appeal. Unfortunately, however, keeping an attractive-looking yard gets tougher in the fall. Your summer flowers will have already come and gone, so make sure you dress up your front steps with pots of brightly colored mums, and a few pumpkins as soon as they're available.

You'll also want to make sure your yard and beds are kept clean of falling leaves. Keeping up with falling leaves can be a chore, especially when they start falling during peak season. Raking is no job for a perfectionist, and a few leaves here and there are okay. Overall, however, you need to be sure that potential buyers see your yard and home, not dim shapes covered up by three inches of leaves.

2. Don't Go Overboard. Now that we've covered priority No. 1, remember the importance of moderation. As important as staging is, the key to success is to keep yourself in check and know when to stop. You don't want to break your personal budget, and you don't want to over-decorate your home. Between the weather, fall sports, and holidays, autumn is full of tempting reasons to decorate too much.

It's easy to go overboard, and plenty of people will make this mistake. Don't be one of them. Put a simple wreath on the door, grab a few potted mums for inside, and leave it at that. Remember, you want your buyers to remember the house, not your great fall or Halloween decorations. You just want some accents that make potential buyers realize what they could do if they owned your home.

3. Focus on Comfort. It might not be sweater weather yet, but we all want to be in a cozy home. Once you've drawn potential buyers in, make them realize how comfortable they'd be during fall--and year-round. Highlight the coziness of your home. Stack firewood in the fireplace so it's "ready to go," at least in your buyers' minds. Add some comfy touches like laying out your favorite blanket.

4. Brighten up Your House. Autumn days get shorter and shorter, and the early sunset can weigh down emotions and lead to some tired house shoppers coming to your home experiencing seasonal affective disorder symptoms. So brighten your home, and their day.

Make sure you have bright, warm light bulbs in all of your lamps and fixtures. If it's even a little dark outside or getting slightly dim in a room, turn on your lamps. If you have a room that gets strong afternoon sun or has a great angle at sunset, make sure the shades are wide open at the right time. No matter what time it is, your home should look bright, clean, and open.

5. Change Your Bedding. Don't let the warm and cozy theme stop on the main floor of your home. Your shoppers will be upstairs checking out the bedroom, so make sure it's just as cozy as every other room - if not more.

If your quilt is old and battered, change it for a new one. You can still sleep under your favorite quilt, but show off with a thick and luxurious one, even if it's just temporary. The bed is the focal point of the room, and the comforter sets the tone and establishes how the room will feel. It's crucial for you to make it warm, relaxing, and inviting.

Fall is a season of change, and if your home is still on the market, it just means you need to switch up your plan. Change the feel of your home by making it feel warm and cozy for the fall season, and you'll be more likely to draw interest from potential buyers.


PS. Save the date – December 3, 2015 5:30 – 8:30 Toy Drive at Compadres to support Napa’s Salvation Army Angels and Toys for Tots.

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